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The Directory of Essential Oils – Wanda Sellar

Information: 190 pages, paperback

They say: Here is a directory of essential oils. All those in popular use and many unusual one are included. Each oil is extensively categorised, containing entries such as a description of the aroma, history, mind, body, precaution, chemical constituents, properties, effect on skin, blends etc.

Original price was: €28.00.Current price is: €24.99.

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SKU Book21 Category

Product Description

Budding sales of essential oils delight the traders but can present a potential hazard to the consumer. The tiny bottles, easily bought in a variety of outlets, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Whilst they are safe in the hands of trained therapists, the consumer could be asking for trouble if not forewarned about their various properties.


Budding sales of essential oils delight the traders but can present a potential hazard to the consumer. The tiny bottles, easily bought in a variety of outlets, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Whilst they are safe in the hands of trained therapists, the consumer could be asking for trouble if not forewarned about their various properties.

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