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Manifesting With the Angels (Book)

This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. Learn how to work with divine timing and the power of prayer with Archangel Sandalphon, frame your desires through visualization and affirmations with Archangel Gabriel, and harness the power of your inner passion with Archangel Nathaniel. In addition, you’ll learn how work to with many other angels for different purposes, and fine-tune your power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles into your life.


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SKU bk003 Category

Product Description

Information: 192 pages, paperback.

About the Book:
This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. Learn how to work with divine timing and the power of prayer with Archangel Sandalphon, frame your desires through visualization and affirmations with Archangel Gabriel, and harness the power of your inner passion with Archangel Nathaniel. In addition, you’ll learn how work to with many other angels for different purposes, and fine-tune your power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles into your life.


Information: 192 pages, paperback.

About the Book:
This book connects you with Heaven’s help to fill in the gaps of manifestation teaching. Learn how to work with divine timing and the power of prayer with Archangel Sandalphon, frame your desires through visualization and affirmations with Archangel Gabriel, and harness the power of your inner passion with Archangel Nathaniel. In addition, you’ll learn how work to with many other angels for different purposes, and fine-tune your power of manifestation to attract benefits rather than obstacles into your life.

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